Inhibitec Antibodies, S.L. Cantabrian biotechnology company, spin-off of the CSIC and University of Cantabria, has developed a monoclonal antibody for a new therapeutic target. Last week, it was in Cambridge, within the Idea Spark Program designed by MIT and SODERCAN.
A significant number of psoriatic patients with severe disease do not respond to existing therapies. A key molecule involved its pathogenic is BAMBI and its inhibition with our specific mAbs (BI0137) prevents skins and articular lesions in preclinical experimental models of psoriasis.
Video interview in Popular TV Cantabria:
Video reportUniversidad de Cantabria:
El Massachusetts Instituteof Technology(MIT) selecciona a dos startup cántabras para participar en el Programa Idea2 Global impulsado por SODERCAN.
InhibitecAnticuerpos, empresa surgida del IBBTEC, busca un fármaco para curar la psoriasis severa (el diario Montañés 6-07-2019)